WhoshouldIsee Tracks

Production Issue Gradation: P1/P2/P3/P4

The below explains how Homeflow triage respond to “Production Issues” - ie outages, or functionality which is broken/ regressed from previous functioning status. These kinds of issues are handled separately from regular, development work.

(P1)  Complete Outage / Significant Traffic Impact

“Emergency situation; critical impact”

Definition Guidelines:


P1s are immediately notified to all senior hands – via monitored internal emergency response  channels – they will receive out of hours service and we will make all reasonable efforts to reach / recall teams.


(P2)  Partial Outage / Sub Functionality Failure

“Severe failure; whole sub section of site failing completely, no work-around possible”

Definition Guidelines:


P2s are immediately notified to all senior hands – via monitored internal emergency response channels – they will likely receive out of hours service and we will make all reasonable efforts to reach / recall teams.


(P3)  Sub Functionality Partial Outage / Performance Issue

“Functionality of a sub area of site affected; otherwise operational”

Definition Guidelines:


P3s are reviewed daily – work can be scheduled in normal business hours and expected to trump regular sprint planned development.


(P4)  Minor Production Issue

“Minor fault; generally fully operational”

Definition Guidelines:


P4s are reviewed daily, separately from forward moving development – and are inserted into the current sprint planned development to skip scheduling, however they will not be expected to trump the current sprint order.